API - Extrafields namespace

Function Summary
cot_build_extrafieldsReturns Extra fields edit fields
cot_build_extrafields_dataReturns Extra fields data
cot_default_html_constructionExtra fields - Return default base html-construction for various types of fields (without value= and name=)
cot_extrafield_addAdd extra field for pages
cot_extrafield_movefilesMoves and unset files in the $uploadfiles array
cot_extrafield_removeDelete extra field
cot_extrafield_titleExtrafield title
cot_extrafield_unlinkfilesDelete files in extrafield array
cot_extrafield_updateUpdate extra field for pages
cot_extrafields_register_tableRegisters a table in extrafields registry
cot_import_extrafieldsImports Extra fields data
cot_import_filesarrayFixes the indexing of multiple file uploads from the format: $_FILES['field']['key']['index'] To the more standard and appropriate: $array['index']['key']
cot_load_extrafieldsLoads extrafields data into global
Global Summary